Porcelain Versus Marble: Which is Best For Your Home?

Marble and porcelain tiles are the two most popular types of flooring in homes. Here we will explore what each type of tile is, their pros and cons, and which one might be best for your home.

A great way to keep your floors clean is by using a mop. There are many different brands on the market today that offer various attachments for this purpose including scrubbing brushes, squeegees, dusters, etc.

Porcelain Tiles vs Marble Tiles

Marble and porcelain tiles are the two most popular types of flooring in homes. Here we will explore what each type of tile is, their pros and cons, and which one might be best for your home. Marble tiles have been around since ancient times but did not become popular until the early twentieth century when they were used to adorn the walls of many European buildings. Marble tiles are more expensive than porcelain tiles but their natural beauty is worth investing in for your home.

Marble tiles are made of limestone that is crushed into a powder, then heated to over 3000 degrees Fahrenheit. This process results in the formation of fine crystals which are more resistant to acids and staining than other materials used for flooring including porcelain tiles. Marble tiles come in various colors ranging from white to reds or even green depending on how much iron oxide was present during their creation.

Porcelain tile has been around since ancient times but did not become popular until it started being manufactured with glazes at the beginning of the nineteenth century. The word "porcelain" actually comes from two words: "per" meaning vital essence and "cere", as in ceramics so essentially it means "vital essence of ceramic". Porcelain is a clay-based hardened glass, while marble tile is limestone.

Porcelain tiles are much softer than marble tiles and can scratch easier although they offer more color choices. They also tend to be cheaper than their counterpart but may chip or crack over time which will cause them to need replacing.

Both porcelain and marble tiles have good qualities that make them great options for your home flooring depending on what you're looking for in terms of price point, maintenance requirements, etc. Both types of tile come in various colors so it's best to take the time when choosing one type versus another by considering how well suitable each option would be given the size and aesthetic you want your home to have.

Marble tiles are made of limestone that is crushed into a powder, then heated to over 3000 degrees Fahrenheit. This process results in the formation of fine crystals which are more resistant to acids and staining than other materials used for flooring including porcelain tiles.

If you are looking for marble tiles exporter in India, consider Rollza Granito.


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