Is It Better To Have Porcelain or Ceramic Tiles?

 Tile, floor tile, wall tile-- no matter what you call it, tiling your home is an excellent way to give it a new look without having to go through the hassle of hiring construction teams or even doing any manual labor yourself. This might explain why tiling has become one of the most popular home improvement trends in recent years.

There are many different types of tiles to choose from, but the two most common are porcelain and ceramic. So, which one should you choose for your home?

Porcelain tile is made from a type of clay that is fired at a very high temperature. This makes it harder than ceramic tiles. These tiles are very durable and can last up to 30 years if they are properly maintained, which is why porcelain is the most popular choice for flooring in high-traffic areas like kitchens, bathrooms, and hallways.

Is It Better To Have Porcelain or Ceramic Tiles?

Ceramic tiles are made from ordinary clay that is fired at a lower temperature than porcelain. While porcelain has the highest rating for durability, ceramic tiling is still very durable and can last up to 25 years if it's well taken care of. Ceramic tiles are favored because they not only look good but they are also cheaper than porcelain tiles.

Both porcelain and ceramic tiles can be found in a variety of colors and styles, so you'll be able to find the perfect tiles for your home no matter which type you choose.

The bottom line: porcelain is more durable but ceramic is cheaper-- both types look good and are available in the same styles, so it's really up to you.

When porcelain tiles are properly maintained they can last more than 30 years; ceramic tiles on the other hand only last about 25 years. Porcelain is also tougher and more durable than ceramic.

Ceramic tiles are cheaper than porcelain tiles, but porcelain is more durable and holds up better over time. Both porcelain and ceramic tile come in the same styles so you're not limited to just one type of look for your home.

Rollza Granito is the leading porcelain tiles manufacturer in India. The company has marble slabs in different sizes.


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